Dear Parents, guardians, and tutors, this website's primary purpose is to discuss reading comprehension and how to teach it. It is tailored to your needs.

It offers valuable insights into the significance of 1) reading aloud with children, 2) building background knowledge, 3) developing vocabulary, and, most importantly, 4) teaching reading comprehension strategies and skills.
Some background knowledge on 1) phonemic awareness, 2) phonics, and 3) spelling is provided at the end of this website. The information complements the resources available at Marvi's Way, where you will find affordable, downloadable reading and spelling lessons explicitly created to assist individuals with limited to no teaching experience.
In addition, this website is a companion piece to Grade-Level Reading Tests, which has free, reliable, downloadable assessment materials in English and Spanish for grades K-6. The assessments were developed for California Reading First Schools and can provide insight into what skills children know and what they still need to learn.
This site was created by retired school teachers and administrators who successfully taught thousands of children to read. Their track record is a testament to their expertise. These teachers are committed to offering concrete, practical, factual, reliable, and evidence-based information on reading acquisition. Their wealth of knowledge and understanding is invaluable when it comes to enhancing the academic achievement of every child.
Reading is the gateway skill for all learning. History, science, mathematics, social science, languages, music, and other arts cannot be learned at high levels when reading skills are deficient. The good news is that most children can learn to read if they are taught well from the moment they enter school. The content provided on this website is based on research published in scholarly peer-reviewed journals.
Research has shown that with direct, explicit, structured literacy instruction, 95% of children will read at grade level by the end of first grade. Unfortunately, America is far from achieving this goal. The reason is simple: many children do not receive the necessary instruction. Creating a trustworthy website was paramount for the educators who developed this site. Fads may have their place in fashion, but when children's futures are dependent upon receiving a quality education, fads are not productive. Teaching Reading Is Rocket Science, 2020, explains what school districts can do to increase reading achievement and prevent reading deficiencies.
Early intervention is imperative when individual children struggle to learn to read. When problems arise, immediate and focused direct instruction, review, and practice of skills based on the Science of Reading are not just helpful but crucial. Identifying children who need intensive intervention as early as kindergarten is not just possible; it's necessary. Early identification of children’s problems is critical to eventual success. Waiting while children fall two or more years behind their grade-level peers is a severe error.
The more knowledge and understanding of the Science of Reading you have, the more effective you will be. You will benefit from visiting suggested links. For example, videos and relevant PDFs are accessible via The Dyslexia Initiative’s website, Season 1 and Season 2. Literacy is complex. For the best possible learning experience, download California’s 2007 Reading/Language Arts Frameworks and Standard for grades K-12.
"To be at grade level by the end of first grade, children should be reading grade-appropriate text fluently (about 60 Words Correct Per Minute)." (Tindal, G., Hasbrouck, J., Jones, C., Oral Reading Fluency: 90 Years of Measurement Ⓒ 2017)
This quote is a call to action, a reminder that we can make a difference in children’s lives.

Marvi's Way: A Guide to Reading and Spelling is a downloadable reading and spelling program for parents and guardians. Each module comes with two separate workbooks (tutor and student versions) that guide users through 126 detailed lessons step by step. You do not need to be an expert; you will learn to teach reading and spelling as you work through the lessons with your children.
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